Logo Name Subscribers Videos Views
ACTA NON VERBA KNIVES Acta Non Verba 804 9 49,711
Al Mar® Knives Official Al Mar Knives 170 9 21,651
ABKT Video • American Buffalo Knife and Tool American Buffalo 185 19 15,122
Antonini Knives Antonini 266 4 67,074
Arcane Design Arcane Design 1,150 139 102,116
Arno Bernard - Knives, Food & Africa Arno Bernard 1,160 46 103,532
ArtisanCutlery Artisan Cutlery 1,160 78 244,924
ashevillesteel.com Asheville Steel 41,500 547 8,815,415
Attn 2 Detail Mercantile Attn 2 Detail Mercantile 224 20 9,346
Attn 2 Detail Mercantile Attn2Detail Mercantile 224 20 9,346
Aurora Knife and Tool Aurora Knife and Tool 592 56 37,405
Axial Knives Axial 76 0 0
Badfeather Knives Badfeather Knives 24 27 4,687
BALD MAN KNIFE & TOOL Bald Man Knife & Tool 1,180 115 414,074
Barebones Living Barebones Living 2,960 97 855,508
Battle Horse Knives Battle Horse Knives 2,010 122 183,379
BearandSonCutlery Bear & Son 393 15 134,642
Ben Pittman Knives Ben Pittman Knives 1 6 301
Benchmade Knife Company Benchmade 47,500 103 7,569,204
Bertie Rietveld Bertie Rietveld 30 1 608
Bestech Knives Bestech 2,320 417 628,236
Bestechman Bestechman 404 130 135,717
Bladerunners Systems Bladerunners Systems 3,330 77 156,375
BladesIIB BladesIIB Knives 8,710 116 948,737
Bob Rankin Custom Knives (Bob Rankin Custom Knives) Bob Rankin Custom Knives 0 1 42
Böker Boker 12,700 150 2,450,638
Bordertown Blades Bordertown Blades 69 44 11,130
Brian Brown Knives Brian Brown Knives 413 61 49,407
BrisaSupplies Brisa 2,290 13 235,931
BROUSBLADES Brous Blades 12,200 191 1,264,108
Browning Browning 42,800 389 15,226,625
Bladerunners Systems BRS 3,330 77 156,375
Buck Knives Buck 16,500 261 2,929,874
Burgess Forge Burgess Forge 47 1 293
Burnside Knives Burnside Knives 12 14 385
C. Risner Cutlery C. Risner 2,720 576 524,291
The Knifemaker Caleb White Knives 13,600 138 481,088
Carothers Performance Knives Carothers Performance Knives 15,700 52 9,594,291
CarterCutlery Carter Cutlery 43,100 211 7,234,128
CAS Knives Cas Knives 1,360 73 124,751
Case Knives Case 6,560 123 2,042,623
cavolknives Cavol 79 24 10,581
Chaves Knives Chaves 368 23 12,208
Chris Crawford Chris Crawford Knives 3,840 89 616,722
Chris Reeve Knives Chris Reeve Knives 4,430 8 191,280
Civivi Knife Civivi 28,700 329 1,885,438
ArtisanCutlery CJRB 1,160 78 244,924
Chad Kauranen CK Knife And Tool 20,100 524 3,510,301
CKF Custom Knife Factory CKF - Custom Knife Factory 1,630 303 256,685
Colonial Knife Corp. Colonial Knife Corp 280 60 53,458
Condor Tool & Knife Inc. Condor Tool & Knife 3,510 180 422,893
CornCraft Knives CornCraft Knives 9,330 267 2,201,089
Crescent Edges Crescent Edges 15 8 2,004
CRKT OFFICIAL CRKT 51,200 714 12,938,593
DailyCarryCo Daily Carry Co 5,100 587 3,375,248
Darac D Darac Steel 362 170 185,393
Deejo® Deejo 1,710 35 1,989,390
Defcon Tactical Defcon 62 4 9,315
Demko Knives Demko 1,940 72 148,566
DPx Gear, Inc. DPx Gear 5,870 12 1,372,100
Eddleman Knives Eddleman Knives 502 140 118,946
Edge Technology Engineering Edge Technologies Engineering 8 3 291
Allen Elishewitz Elishewitz Knives 1,310 80 242,718
Emerson Knives Emerson Knives 12,100 291 1,441,978
Randall's Adventure / ESEE Esee 19,700 88 1,479,877
Exceed Designs Exceed Designs 1,100 32 127,213
Extrema Ratio Extrema Ratio 3,380 69 346,178
Ferrum Forge Knife Works Ferrum Forge Knife Works 5,850 157 314,571
Flexcut Tool Company Flexcut 7,520 31 799,201
Forseti Steel Forseti Steel 46 5 2,523
FOX KNIVES Fox Knives 1,010 68 75,817
Futuron Forge Futuron Forge 222 10 26,153
Gaskill Knives Gaskill Knives 5,770 49 1,922,907
GeorgeKnives George Knives 531 38 61,924
Gerber Gear Gerber 60,500 291 14,674,133
GiantMouse Knives Giant Mouse 2,790 32 123,533
Gillian Knives Gillian Knives 2,330 66 302,948
Glow Rhino EDC Glow Rhino 414 20 32,068
JohnGrimsmo Grimsmo Knives 79,100 664 15,310,449
Grohmann Knives Grohmann Knives 367 8 35,060
Half Face Blades Half Face Blades 4,800 74 134,210
Hardcore Hardware Australia Hardcore Hardware 362 1 45,708
HavalonKnives Havalon 487 19 216,864
HogueInc Hogue 6,790 111 1,819,859
HOO KNIVES Hoo Knives 326 58 36,781
Houston Edge works Houston Edge Works 34 1 754
Hydra Knives Hydra Knives 434 24 28,627
Jack Wolf Knives Jack Wolf Knives 1,720 211 264,034
Jager Knives Jäger Knives 0 4 194
Jake Hoback Knives Jake Hoback Knives 4,430 220 264,607
The James Brand James 1,220 68 327,255
Jesse Jarosz Jarosz Knives 2,240 74 215,150
Joker Knives Joker 4,050 64 586,823
KA-BAR Ka-Bar 20,000 89 3,080,690
Kailash Blades Kailash Blades 2,150 57 261,674
KATSU KNIVES Katsu 1,740 93 291,147
Kershaw Knives Kershaw 15,500 527 4,726,081
Kizer Cutlery Kizer 1,700 62 84,455
Knafs Knafs 19,200 123 2,440,178
Knife Standards Knife Standards 3,070 715 672,450
Krudo Knives Krudo Knives 1,970 432 475,969
KubeyGear Kubey 222 90 29,762
Leatherman Leatherman 120,000 289 49,301,310
LionSteel Knives Lionsteel 2,540 95 484,580
MachineWise MachineWise 729 2 6,607
Marttiini Marttini 2,400 23 484,241
Maxace Knife Maxace 1,650 61 131,504
Medford Knife & Tool Medford Knife & Tool 17,600 1,688 2,767,712
The Marfione Podcast Microtech 2,120 19 70,990
Midgards Messer GmbH Midgards Messer 105,000 165 2,076,306
MillerBrosBlades Miller Bros Blades 12,700 39 702,226
Millit Knives Millit Knives 9 15 456
Boye Knives Molsect 123 4 28,439
Montana Knife Company Montana Knife Company 31,100 643 4,672,997
Morakniv Morakniv 27,000 171 3,430,809
MT Knives MT Knives 13,200 141 6,754,226
North Arm Knives North Arm 1,750 25 324,245
North Mountain Blade North Mountain Blade 440 58 54,590
Northwest Knives Northwest Knives 1,690 120 247,594
NUKNIVES Nu Knives 170 67 67,059
Ocaso Knives Ocaso Knives 147 7 7,118
Ontario Knife Company™ Ontario 439 23 17,105
OPINEL Opinel 7,370 194 1,680,139
Blade Banter Orion Knives 4,620 437 700,127
OZ Machine Company Oz Machine Company 1,270 11 61,586
Phenix Knives Phenix Knives 17 1 2,270
pmp-knives PMP 311 46 35,547
PoltergeistWorks Poltergeist Works 2,640 50 754,021
QSP Knife QSP 1,270 66 74,934
Real Steel Knives (RSK)-Official Real Steel 610 45 81,906
Remette Knife Remette 147 22 8,506
HindererKnives Rick Hinderer Knives 6,700 99 278,788
RoseCraft Blades Rosecraft 1,340 53 51,668
Schrade Knives Schrade 75,400 323 15,539,755
TJ Schwarz Schwarz 4,050 19 197,326
Sencut Knife Sencut 1,430 76 112,173
Serge Knives Serge 2,730 22 202,013
Shieldon Knives and Tools Shieldon 180 255 55,881
Silver Stag Knives Silver Stag 836 5 68,560
Smith & Wesson 0 0 0
Sniper Bladeworks Sniper Bladeworks 276 7 3,624
SOG Knives Sog 41,900 357 7,917,537
Southern Grind Southern Grind 2,190 17 60,932
Sparrow Knife Co. Sparrow Knife Company 516 10 39,102
Spartan Blades Spartan Blades 2,700 3 103,528
SPK Unlimited SPK Unlimited 260 7 5,578
Spyderco Spyderco 31,300 526 4,058,177
SRM Outdoor SRM Knives 284 8 7,203
Stang Bladeworks Stang Bladeworks 274 0 0
StatGear StatGear 647 46 557,755
TAKCOM TAKCOM 53 17 3,367
Tekto Knives Tekto 1,670 117 435,465
Templar Knife Templar Knife 165 28 37,858
Varusteleka Terava 33,200 446 11,916,063
Toor Knives Toor Knives 6,170 70 393,161
TOPS Knives Tops Knives 19,300 620 2,675,364
TRIVISA Knives Trivisa 273 6 2,724
TRM The Ramble with Marianne TRM 146 2 519
TUO Cutlery Tuo Cutlery 478 176 111,299
Urban EDC Urban EDC Supply 13,200 2,526 3,857,968
V Nives V Knives 179 26 26,142
VC Edge VC Edge Knives 2,920 27 241,252
Vero Engineering Vero Engineering 1,600 74 134,210
Victorinox North America Victorinox 6,460 133 2,326,067
Viking Tactics Viking Tactics 71,000 134 9,970,656
Viper Knives-by-Tecnocut Viper Knives 304 13 28,482
Viper Tec Knives Viper-Tec 20,900 305 5,888,349
Vosteed Vosteed 1,650 35 71,836
WE KNIFE WeKnife 12,400 243 843,357
WESN Wesn 604,000 381 379,487,817
White River Knives White River Knife & Tool 713 7 59,423
Williams Blade Design Williams Blade Design 510 23 64,669
Chris Nevinator Wilmont Wilmont Knives 3,010 29 429,926
WINTERBLADE Winterblade 1,920 12 71,540
WÜSTHOF Wusthof 850 31 32,803
ZT Knives Zero Tolerance 3,090 94 768,820