Forseti Steel
The secret to forging authentic Damascus steel knives has long been lost, but Forseti Steel stays as true to the tradition as they can by commissioning smiths with Damascus ancestry to hand-make all of their blades. The artists behind the enamoring water-like patterns of folded and pounded steel have all learned their skills and techniques from the generations that worked the metals before them.
In addition to paying tribute to the Damascus practice in technique and appearance, Forseti Steel shows its respect for history's heroes, legends, and characters with their knives' names. The 9", walnut-handled Sentinel, for example, honors the Sentinels who stand guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington.
In addition to paying tribute to the Damascus practice in technique and appearance, Forseti Steel shows its respect for history's heroes, legends, and characters with their knives' names. The 9", walnut-handled Sentinel, for example, honors the Sentinels who stand guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington.
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Forseti Steel Videos - Page 1

Rhone Ranger Corkscrew Wine Video
Forseti Steel
5 years ago

Forseti Steel | Damascus Steel Knives
Forseti Steel
5 years ago