Hydra Knives

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We are Hydra, a newborn company from Albacete, Spain.

We are a team composed by a small but talented crew who has been working on the outdoor business for more than 15 years. The time has come to start this voyage alone; we have been working on the main companies from Spain and the time has come to make our own designs.

We enjoy making US-Inspired tactical and bushcraft products. Our designs combines the way of making stunning products from the U.S. with the making tradition from Spain.

In order to make our product we use premium quality raw materials and the latests techniques and innovations. Hydra is well-known by the users as a quality brand that makes top-products and a great customer service.

Youtube Channel Statistics

Subscribers 445
Videos 24
Views 30,041
Average Views Per Video 1,252
Average Views Per Subscriber 68
Country Spain