Peltonen Knives
The only knife you will need since 1995 !
Peltonen Knives comes from the hands of the Finnish military observer Juha-Pekka Peltonen.
The idea was born in the scorching heat of Southern Lebanon and has since adapted to the harsh conditions of the North.
The Ranger Puukko has been developed with functionality in mind - as a tool for the professionals and as a trusted companion for the quality-conscious hunters and adventurers.
Peltonen Knives comes from the hands of the Finnish military observer Juha-Pekka Peltonen.
The idea was born in the scorching heat of Southern Lebanon and has since adapted to the harsh conditions of the North.
The Ranger Puukko has been developed with functionality in mind - as a tool for the professionals and as a trusted companion for the quality-conscious hunters and adventurers.
Youtube Channel Statistics
Subscribers | 149 |
Videos | 2 |
Views | 1,880 |
Average Views Per Video | 940 |
Average Views Per Subscriber | 13 |
Country | Finland |
Peltonen Knives Videos - Page 1

Peltonen Knives | How it all began
Peltonen Knives
2 months ago

Peltonen Knives
Peltonen Knives
1 year ago