DPx Gear

The official YouTube channel of DPx Gear, Inc .
You work out there, hundreds of miles from help, pushing the limits of sanity, stamina and luck. Whether your world is combat, humanitarian, rescue, survival or hunting, it is where you will find DPx Gear. DPx Gear is designed for brutal use, where there is no room for failure. Our knives are not just edged tools, they are designed and built to be hostile environment survival tools.
You work out there, hundreds of miles from help, pushing the limits of sanity, stamina and luck. Whether your world is combat, humanitarian, rescue, survival or hunting, it is where you will find DPx Gear. DPx Gear is designed for brutal use, where there is no room for failure. Our knives are not just edged tools, they are designed and built to be hostile environment survival tools.
Youtube Channel Statistics
Subscribers | 5,880 |
Videos | 12 |
Views | 1,373,170 |
Average Views Per Video | 114,431 |
Average Views Per Subscriber | 234 |
Country | United States |
DPx Gear Videos - Page 1

Who Is Mr. DP?
DPx Gear
6 years ago

DPx Gear's DPx HEFT 12 CHOP in Action
DPx Gear
8 years ago

DPX Product Vid Sequence 2
DPx Gear
9 years ago

Bottle Opening Demonstration
DPx Gear
9 years ago

DPx Aculus 3D Release Video - June 2015
DPx Gear
9 years ago