Logo Name Subscribers Videos Views
A.G. Russell Knives A. G. Russell 10,800 259 2,237,755
Adept Knives Adept Knives 408 154 151,398
Adventure Carry Adventure Carry 124 11 7,213
African Custom Knives African Custom Knives 731 121 74,245
American Edge American Edge 545 57 39,248
Blade City Blade City 687,000 549 233,569,252
Blade HQ Blade HQ 817,000 1,615 233,122,987
BladeOps Blade Ops 57,600 2,987 31,577,151
Bladebinge Official Bladebinge Shop 520 177 164,368
BladeZilla Bladezilla 2,340 565 410,088
Chicago Knife Works Chicago Knife Works 189 71 36,003
Cutlery Shoppe Inc Cutlery Shoppe 262 8 9,846
DLT Trading, LLC. DLT Trading 8,790 354 1,244,144
DNK Knives DNK Knives 715 417 200,799
EBossHoss EBossHoss Knives 1,650 1,525 793,245
EKNIVES EKnives 9,170 1,085 2,915,851
ePrague Knives Eprague Knives 266 15 87,577
Fablades Fablades 12,400 2,133 2,983,112
GPKNIVES GPKnives 36,400 1,304 11,176,689
Grindworx Knives Grindworx 41,100 250 7,809,293
TheHollowGrind Hollow Grind 2,650 203 888,263
House of Blades House of Blades 884 80 86,122
KnifeCenter Knife Center 476,000 1,790 162,288,635
Knife Country USA Knife Country USA 270 37 21,324
TheRealKnifeDepot Knife Depot 2,170 446 1,109,305
Knife_Global Knife Global 4,790 1,369 1,816,041
Knife Habit Knife Habit 264 56 47,746
KnifeHub Knife Hub 3,910 239 617,144
KnifeJoy Knife Joy 2,880 272 262,027
Knife Lounge by Altonaer Silberwerkstatt Knife Lounge 3,410 370 1,629,075
KNIFEWORKS Knife Works 2 1 20
Knives of the North Knives of the North 323 26 53,396
KNIVES PLUS ® Knives Plus 4,340 240 1,593,045
KnivesShipFree Knives Ship Free 159 0 0
Lamnia Lamnia 1,050 21 71,189
National Knives, LLC National Knives 1 0 0
New Graham Knives New Graham Knives 288 50 51,188
New West KnifeWorks New West Knife Works 1,520 204 535,304
Northern Knives Northern Knives 3,120 361 499,455
Penchetta Pen & Knife Penchetta 100 49 11,687
Polish Custom Knives Polish Custom Knives 2,660 621 279,013
PVK PVK 11,200 1,653 4,465,790
Recon 1 Recon One 5,550 3,457 1,693,430
River's Edge Cutlery River's Edge Cutlery 7,880 516 1,215,356
Robertson's Custom Cutlery Robertson's Custom Cutlery 103 28 5,866
Rus Blade Rus Blade 2,850 2,035 1,202,194
Sharp Things Sharp Things 1,010 266 181,954
Smoky Mountain Knife Works Smoky Mountain Knife Works 76,100 3,808 19,338,861
The Blade Bar - Edom, TX The Blade Bar 4,210 23 2,988,707
Tools For Gents - Werkzeuge für Gentlemen Tools For Gents 3,960 588 505,504
TSA Knives TSA Knives 1,460 165 319,474
USA Made Blade USA Blade Made 5,890 312 970,512
White Mountain Knives White Mountain Knives 5,370 854 1,101,753