Logo Name Subscribers Videos Views
A.G. Russell Knives A. G. Russell 10,800 259 2,228,090
Adept Knives Adept Knives 375 132 132,475
African Custom Knives African Custom Knives 727 121 74,008
American Edge American Edge 534 57 38,756
Blade City Blade City 683,000 540 232,373,529
Blade HQ Blade HQ 813,000 1,598 230,629,313
BladeOps Blade Ops 57,500 2,965 31,460,742
Bladebinge Official Bladebinge Shop 485 167 159,284
BladeZilla Bladezilla 2,210 540 383,643
Chicago Knife Works Chicago Knife Works 181 71 35,677
Cutlery Shoppe Inc Cutlery Shoppe 262 8 9,815
DLT Trading, LLC. DLT Trading 8,700 353 1,228,467
DNK Knives DNK Knives 677 397 189,445
EBossHoss EBossHoss Knives 1,650 1,525 793,245
EKNIVES EKnives 9,070 1,068 2,886,327
ePrague Knives Eprague Knives 264 15 87,106
Fablades Fablades 12,000 2,119 2,893,679
GPKNIVES GPKnives 36,100 1,283 11,003,450
Grindworx Knives Grindworx 41,000 246 7,773,239
TheHollowGrind Hollow Grind 2,650 203 884,518
House of Blades House of Blades 871 76 84,639
KnifeCenter Knife Center 474,000 1,776 160,883,007
Knife Country USA Knife Country USA 262 37 20,967
TheRealKnifeDepot Knife Depot 2,170 446 1,107,461
Knife_Global Knife Global 4,790 1,369 1,807,610
Knife Habit Knife Habit 264 56 47,636
KnifeHub Knife Hub 3,830 219 596,373
KnifeJoy Knife Joy 2,860 269 253,964
KNIFEWORKS Knife Works 2 1 20
Knives of the North Knives of the North 315 26 52,023
KNIVES PLUS ® Knives Plus 4,340 240 1,589,893
KnivesShipFree Knives Ship Free 156 0 0
Lamnia Lamnia 1,040 21 70,042
National Knives, LLC National Knives 1 0 0
New Graham Knives New Graham Knives 288 50 51,098
New West KnifeWorks New West Knife Works 1,500 197 531,016
Northern Knives Northern Knives 3,100 356 491,183
Polish Custom Knives Polish Custom Knives 2,640 601 274,941
PVK PVK 11,000 1,618 4,423,296
Recon 1 Recon One 5,500 3,401 1,672,823
River's Edge Cutlery River's Edge Cutlery 7,680 496 1,139,275
Robertson's Custom Cutlery Robertson's Custom Cutlery 101 28 5,732
Rus Blade Rus Blade 2,790 2,003 1,177,342
Sharp Things Sharp Things 1,000 265 178,232
Smoky Mountain Knife Works Smoky Mountain Knife Works 75,300 3,748 19,001,335
The Blade Bar - Edom, TX The Blade Bar 4,180 23 2,934,612
Tools For Gents - Werkzeuge für Gentlemen Tools For Gents 3,950 583 498,082
TSA Knives TSA Knives 1,430 161 317,893
USA Made Blade USA Blade Made 5,850 310 965,456
White Mountain Knives White Mountain Knives 5,340 847 1,085,625