Knives of the North

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Knives of the North is a seller of the finest Scandinavian knives and axes. We sell these brands, Ahti knives, Arkansas sharpening stones, Ballistol anti-corrosive rustproofing, Brisa Knives, Condor Knives, DMT diamond plate sharpening stones, Hewlett Sharpening sticks and plates, Jarvenpaa Knives, Lansky sharpening pucks and rust erasers, Laurin blanks and blades, Marttiini Knives and Axes, Mora Knives and Axes, River Traders Knives, Roselli Knives and Axes, Sharpal credit card plate sharpeners, Stromeng Knives, Wood Jewel Knives. Bushcraft knives, Fishing knives, Kitchen Knives, Wood carving knives and tools and throwing axes.

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Videos 26
Views 53,445
Average Views Per Video 2,056
Average Views Per Subscriber 165
Country United States

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