The Change You’ve Been Looking For…

Published: 2 years ago

Check out a little something we have been working on:

Sometimes life gets away from us and we get caught up in our day to day grind without any relief. Sometimes we just need an excuse to break free hit the open road and take back some of our time. It can really help when that excuse also involves crazy gas station knives, buried treasure, and a check list of awesomeness! After putting a ton of solid time into Fort Wild, moving, and maintaining my 9-5 I knew I was busy and also knew I needed some fresh sights and sounds to balance me out. My good buddies over at WorkSharp have an epic nation wide treasure hunt going on and had me take one their boxes for a little drive. I chose to do over 650 miles in less then 48 hours and had a blast doing it! Along the way I also picked up some of the most iconic gas station knives imaginable and made them part of the treasure. If you follow along on YouTube community my Instagram and WorkSharps Instagram you may just find the excuse you need to hit the open road. Even if buried treasure is not your thing this video will give you all the instruction you need for an epic road trip of your own!

My Instagram:

WorkSharps Instagram: