These Knives Suck…But We Love Them! || The Thrill of Cheap Pocket Knives

Published: 2 years ago

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Check out a little something we have been working on:

0:01 Your First Pocket Knife
1:22 Are Gas Station Pocket Knives and OTF Knives worth it?
2:40 Pocket Knives from the County Fair
3:31 The Magic of Carrying an EDC Pocket Knife and Tools

Cheap knives. Gas Station knives. Mall Ninja knives. Whatever you call them we all have had a relationship with their magical spell. Either we look at them in disgust and realize that for the same price we could get Pilar or an Elementum; or we look at them and remember the magic they once held over us as kids.

Chances are that your first pocket knife was either some inexpensive hand me down or some $9.99 gas station special but chances also are that that first knife was a key to every adventure you had ever read about or seen on TV. That first knife could help you survive in any environment and take on 20 bad guys before lunch was served.

All of this got me thinking how we don't talk about that first knife magic nearly enough. And how that magic has been masked by the practical considerations of our EDC needs and EDC kits/bags. Did we loose that wonder? Did we give up on magic? I really don't think so. I think we just ended up on a path to actually find the fulfillment those first cheap pocket knives were promising.