12 Small EDC and Survival Fixed Blade Knives

Published: 12 years ago

In 720HD

Small sized fixed blade knives that can be used for camping, hunting, bushcrafting, wilderness survival, or EDC.

1. ESEE Izula II ($60)
2. Benchmark Backpacker ($10-15)
3. Ka-Bar BK11 ($60-70, with scales)
4. BlackJack Model 155 Neck Knife ($80, with scales)
5. DPX HEST ($100)
6. TOPS Mil-Spie 3 ($90)
7. $3 Full Tang Survival Knife ($3)
8. Benchmade Nim Cub II ($120)
9. Anza Small Hunter ($32)
10. Kissing Crane KC154 Black Finish Hunter (Sharpfinger) ($15-20)
11. Marttiini 571 ($15)
12. Gerber S30V Freeman ($100)