Schrade Extreme Tomahawk SCAXE4 Testing Review

Published: 11 years ago

Edge Length: 3.25 inches
Steel: 8Cr13MoV
Total Length: 17 inches
Handle Scales: Nylon Fiber with Paracord Wrap
Sheath: Nylon
Price: $40

3:45 Cinder block pieces destroyed.
4:44 Shipping pallet destroyed.

A very durable chopper. Given enough time, I feel confident this tomahawk could chop its way in, or out, of most structures. It can destroy pieces of cinder block and chop through wooden doors, boards, or walls. It would be good for breaching, rescue tasks, camping, demolition, survival, or defense.

To see this tomahawk thrown, click here:

To see a testing video of the Scaxe5 Hatchet, click here: