Wartech Apex Predator Kunai Knives Review

Published: 10 years ago

Wartech Kunai Throwing Knives
Total Length: 12 inches
Steel: 400 Stainless
Weight: 7.7 ounces
Handle Wrap: Cord
Price: $7.50 Each (http://www.wildbillwholesale.com/)

These are impressive Kunai for the price, the same size as the previously reviewed Perfect Point Kunai, but slightly heavier. The tips will require filing down to a more broad and strong shape for throwing without bending.

Perfect Point Kunai Throws: http://youtu.be/m9-GQ0CIWtc

Perfect Point Kunai Review: http://youtu.be/QXuDMhFrupM

Perfect Point Kunai and Hibbens Throws: http://youtu.be/0DFW7xGLJpQ

Machete Throwing: http://youtu.be/oNagZ7Arg5U