Dollar Store Survival: Jute Stick Utility Knife

Published: 10 years ago

Dollars stores have many useful items for survival, EDC, and camping kits. My personal favorites are the 5 rolls of electrical tape for $1 and the 250 feet of Jute Twine for $1. Jute is a natural fiber which has many uses:

*Tinder (splay out the fibers, first)
*Tie parts down of a shelter
*String up a tarp
*Improvised sling to immobilize injuries
*Tie down or suspend gear
*Tripwires, parts of traps
*Lash down a spearhead
*Bindings or garrote (for the military types)

Jute is cheaper and smaller in diameter than paracord, so you can carry a more useful amount of it in smaller kits. You will need something compact to wrap your jute around, so you might as well use a cheap utility blade, the jute will give you a safer grip on the utility blade and once you use up all your jute you still have a small cutting implement for your kit. I think these “Jute Stick Utility Knives” fill a missing link in many small kits.