BHK Large Workhorse Knife, Battle Horse Knives

Published: 9 years ago

Blade Length: 4 inches
Edge Length: 3.7 inches
Steel: O1 Tool Steel
Thickness: 5/32nds
Handle Scales: G-10
Sheath: Kydex
Notes: Stonewashed. Polished edged. Sharpening Choile.
Price: $170

Battle Horse Knives contacted me about reviewing one of their blades. They have a very large selection of different models, all customizable. Out of all their designs, I chose the Large Workhorse, because I think it is an ideal length, a classic and efficient blade shape, and a neutral handle that is flared towards the pommel, which is what I prefer. They offer both Kydex and leather sheath options, some with fire steel holder, I chose the Kydex. A knife of this size is very useful it can strip bark, notch wood, strike a fire steel, cut cordage, prepare food, skin game, drill divots, make feather sticks, and more.

The Official Website of Battle Horse Knives: