How to put an AMAZING shipwreck patina modification on your EDC knife!!

Published: 2 years ago

This YouTube Short takes a look at how to successfully modify your EDC knife with the ultimate shipwreck patina modification. This easy and fun modification is a great way to make your EDC knife your own and give it a very beautiful and unique patina appearance.
Link to my video for more details and tips for ultimate success:
Links to some of the items I used in this video and highly recommend…
KPL Rust Eraser:¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiujwmNjt-wIVGf_jBx0WVwKDEAQYASABEgLp8vD_BwE
Megapro Precision Driver:
Kizer Towser K:
Rust-Oleum Crystal Clear Enamel Spray:
EVERYTHING you need for this project…
An EDC knife with copper scales
KPL rust eraser
Heavy Duty foil
Air tight container
Morton’s Sea Salt
PPE (gloves and mask)
Paper towels
Tool to disassemble EDC knife
How to modify your knife with a shipwreck patina…
-Disassemble your EDC knife, set all parts but scales aside.
-Scrub the scales completely clean and raw with the KPL rust eraser.
-Prepare your ammonia bath and set foil bridge up in airtight container.
-Set scales on foil.
-Sprinkle with salt.
-Drip ammonia on scales where the salt is.
-Close container and let sit for 24-48 hours.
-Take scales out of container and lightly rinse with water.
-Let sit until completely dry.
-Touch up spots with rust eraser for extra pop (optional).
-Apply 3-4 light coats of Rust-Oleum Crystal Clear Enamel spray.
-Reassemble EDC knife.