What is the most reliable bearing system (self lubricating?)

Published: 5 years ago

In this video I wanted to show what’s the most reliable system. And what systems require the least amount of maintenance. I use basically the worse case scenario to test the knives to see how they preformed. None of these knives where cleaned after the test. Just a quick rinse underwater. I think it shows a link between self lubrication and reliability. I also think it’s fair to say this shows that maybe we disassemble and clean or not it’s a little too much when it’s not necessary. But that’s for another video. Regardless. I think it’s interesting that the ceramic, did so much better then steel, which in my opinion is due to self lubricant.

Here is a video showing the strength of ceramic bearings https://youtu.be/nKo0FzhhXRw

Showing how external stop pins stabilize a blade https://youtu.be/DMmzClspyaE

I want to correct sometime. When I said it’s impossible for the sebenza to be as smooth as the hinderer. That’s not necessarily true due to the bushing system. The bushing System relieves pressure off off the washers, increasing felt smoothness. So In that case a knife on pb wish a bushing system would then have the potential to be as smooth as nylon.