Axial Gear Shift OTF Unboxing - A New USA Made OTF Brand Worth Checking Out

Published: 3 years ago

All New, American Made, Dual Action OTF, with CPM-20CV Steel for under $200??? Excuse me?!

So far, I have zero complaints, other than my factory edge had a little tiny burr left behind from the manufacturing process, but that was easily fixed in less than 5 minutes on the strop. Other than that, this thing is solid as a rock!

All things on the table, I reached out to Axial Gear to let them know that I was interested in checking out one of their American Made OTF's... They not only agreed to send me one, free of charge, but they also set me up with an affiliate code that gets you all 10% off this already reasonably priced USAs made slicer.

Check them out at
And if you are interested in snagging one, use the code Tristate10 at checkout to get 10% off your order :)

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Full Review Coming Soon

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