Knife GAW: Echo Trol

Published: 8 months ago

GAW series: Episode
Featured Folder: Custom Knife Factory – Echo Trol in Green G-10 handles with a stonewashed S35VN blade and a wire deep carry clip

***Drawing will be CLOSED by 5:00PM PST on Saturday, June 15th***


1. Be SUBSCRIBED to my channel
2. Post a comment stating your participation -- a simple "IN" will do
3. Along with you participation comment, let the viewers know what your EDC is -- can be a knife (folder, fixed), pen, flashlight, wallet, handkerchief, phone, etc.

DRAWING will take place via LIVE stream on Saturday, June 15th, between 5PM- 8PM PST

Also, I’m only covering shipping expenses within North America, if the winner is outside of that, then they will need to cover cost of shipping.

***Drawing will be CLOSED by 5:00PM PST on Saturday, June 15th***

Resources –

Where can I find one?

Or if you prefer Black G10:

What’s S35VN?