Sharpening Cruwear from the Spyderco CruCarta Manix 2 with a WorkSharp

Published: 7 months ago

SHARPENING Series: Episode

0:00 Introduction: Shout Out to my better half!
0:50 Upcoming GAW
1:15 Sharpening System, Progression, Preparation
4:54 Let the sharpening begin
5:20 Test Cuts Post Sharpening

Don't forget to enter my upcoming GAW!

Featured Folder: Spyderco Manix 2 in Micarta and Cruwear
Where can I buy one?

Featured Sharpening System: Work Sharp Precision Adjust ELITE
Direct from the maker:

Tell me more about Cruwear:

If you're looking for sharpening services, I highly recommend Mike from Boston Bladeworx! He does amazing work including mirrored edges. Here's his IG: