U.S. Air Force E-1 Survival Knife

Published: 5 years ago

I did a video about this knife about four or five years ago. Looking back at the video , I felt it just didn't do justice to this historic knife. For those who watched the old video, I hope you will find this new video more informative and entertaining. For those who are unfamiliar with this knife and have not seen the original video I hope this video sheds some light on a historically significant yet virtually forgotten knife.

The Knife was said to have been approved by Gen. Curtis LeMay. He was looking for a small, lightweight knife that would be useful for surviving off the land, especially in Arctic regions -- not fighting the enemy behind the lines. The Boker 155 met all the criteria: small, light weight, rugged, and inexpensive! LeMay, probably didn't pick the knife himself but it fit his general concept. Also these went to SAC first and many other air crews emergency kits continued to use the knives first purchased in WWII into the late 1950's!