Tactical or Craptical: The Ganzo 729 Firebird

Published: 5 years ago

Ganzo knives are line of modern knives made by HongKong Firebird International Trade Co. Many of the knives bear a striking resemblance to Spydercos and Benchmades and even borrow (some say steal) various design features of these higher end brands. I had never heard of the brand until watching some reviews on Paddy's Potato Peelers. This review looks at the Ganzo 729. The video does not look into trademarks or or trade secrets being stolen. What I have noticed is this one of the few Ganzo knives that have a round hole in a decidedly Spyderco blade.. Most seem to be oval!

Want to see more Ganzo reviews? Head on over across the Sheugh (shuck) and check out Paddy's Potato Peelers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mjYgUAttArshlIsZARsYg/feed