I lied! I didn't mean to but I lied, just the same.

Published: 5 years ago

First Off -- if you're a Trapper collector, then you're collecting knives and that means you are helping to keep this hobby alive! A tip of the hat to you.

My complete list of Trapper related videos:

The program with the boneheaded comment:

I recently made some comments about my Trapper collecting habits that were flat out wrong. Nobody called me out on it but as I watched the program I knew what I said was incorrect so I feel it is only right to point out the errors of my way. Please do not take this as just another jab at trappers. If anything it's a jab at me and my pigheadedness.

Finally in this program I mention Had I known about the Victorinox Lunar knife I wouldn't have bought the Robert Klaas knife. But looking back, I'm really glad I have the Klaas Trapper. I really like it and the price was right!