TK's Sowbelly Pocket Knife Collection Part 1

Published: 2 years ago

Part 1 of 8. This multi-part video series documents my collection of Sowbelly Pocket Knives.
In order of appearance:
WN39049C Winchester Sowbelly Whittler Brown Checkered Bone
14008 Winchester Sowbelly Whittler Worm Synthetic Groove Stag
JP 30 0080 John Primble Sowbelly Whittler Amber Picked Bone
MR120 Marbles Sowbelly Stockman Cut Pearl
MR160 Marbles Sowbelly Stockman Fluted Pearl
MR103 Marbles Sowbelly Stockman Stag Bone
MR359 Marbles Sowbelly Stockman Rams Horn
MR479 Marbles Sowbelly Stockman Black Stag
CT248 Colt Sowbelly Stockman Black Stag Bone

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