Quitercarry iQ Knife Review - For All You James Bond Folks

Published: 2 years ago

0:00-0:30 B-Roll
0:30-5:49 As a User
5:49-8:33 As a Fidgeter
8:33-10:37 As a Collector
10:37-12:34 As a Nerd
12:34-14:58 Final Thoughts

You can save 10% using the discount code "TPBWMK" (not valid for ZT or Benchmade brand knives) if you head on over to WhiteMountainKnives.com to see if what you're looking for is in stock. I do NOT receive monetary compensation from you using this discount code - I simply love White Mountain Knives and reached out for a code of my own to offer to my viewers to show my support. This video is NOT sponsored or endorsed by any external parties.

Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music