TwoSun Knives Review: A Tasting Menu of Two Sun Knives Sent by Neeve's Knives

Published: 4 years ago

TwoSun Knives Review ~
After much speculating on the nature of these mysterious knives from the East, Jerad and Kara of Neeve's Knives sent me a tasting menu of four very different but quite awesome TwoSun Knives.

These things are all carbon fiber, titatium, bearings and amazing flipper action. Where they differ most starkly is in their blade geometry, two of the knives (one by Tepe Designs the other Jelly Jerry) are incredibly slicey, while the other two are a bit stouter behind the edge. Two Sun knives seem to be catch-as-catch-can mostly on eBay.

If you like the designs, you will like the knives. They are conspicuously and suspiciously awesome!