Mike Latham Founder of Collector Knives (CollectorKnives.net) - The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 162

Published: 4 years ago

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Mike Latham, founder/owner of Collector Knives (www.collectorknives.net), joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on episode of The Knife Junkie podcast.

Latham started Collector Knives in 2004 to provide American and German pocket knives at the lowest possible price. He says CollectorKnives.net tries hard to be a “Mom and Pop” shop without feeling like a “Mom and Pop” shop.

He recounts growing up in Oklahoma spending summers in the hay fields and trapping in the winter, while spending time in his dad's feed and grain store with friends of his dad, several who were "knife guys," including some who paid their bills with Case collector sets -- which has led to his lifelong interest in knives.

Find Collector Knives online at https://www.collectorknives.net.

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