Jason Knight, ABS Master Bladesmith and “Forged in Fire” Judge -- The Knife Junkie Podcast

Published: 4 years ago

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Jason Knight, ABS Master Bladesmith, joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" on episode of The Knife Junkie Podcast.

Knight grew up in Charleston, S.C. where he was inspired by Edgar Rice Boroughs books and backyard adventures with old knives and machetes. In 2001 he attended the Bill Moran School of Bladesmithing in Arkansas, and trained under Master Bladesmith Jay Hendrickson, and in 2007 received his ABS Mastersmith rating and a B.R. Hughes Award for best knife by a Mastersmith candidate.

Knight has collaborated on a folding kukri knife with Doug Marcaida that are produced by Fox Knives and available through TacticalElements.com. He hosts themed “Be a Maker” classes at his forge and has ignited the passions of many a new knife maker. And he stood in for J. Neilson as a judge on “Forged in Fire” when Neilson had an operation on his hand.

You can find Knight on Instagram at www.instagram.com/jasonknightknives as well as his Knight Forge Studio at https://knightforgestudio.com.

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