Handmade Custom Knives on Loan or Otherwise Not Mine - The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 213

Published: 3 years ago

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On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 213), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco looks at several handmade custom knives that are on loan or otherwise not his, including the CMF Metalworks Daedalus M, the Ron Steele Jr. Prime and Clip Point Prime, and the Jakeb Ginsberg Harpoon Tanto.

The Knife Junkie also covers several stories in Knife Life News, has his usual pocket check, and looks at five knives in his state of the collection, including the long awaited Andrew Demko AD-20, as well as the Tactile Knife Rockwall, the Cold Steel TiLite 4” Kris, the Kershaw Strata, and the VDK Vesta. Which of these is your favorite? Leave a comment and let Bob know.

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✔️ Call the listener line at 724-466-4487 or email bob@theknifejunkie.com with any comments, feedback or suggestions on the show, and let us know who you'd like to hear interviewed on an upcoming edition of The Knife Junkie Podcast, topic you'd like covered on Thursday Night Knives or The Deep Cut, or knife you'd like reviewed by The Knife Junkie..

✔️ To listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit https://theknifejunkie.com/listen.

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