Blade Show 2021 Thoughts, Purchases and Special Interviews -- The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 222)

Published: 3 years ago

Bob "The Knife Junkie" experienced his first Blade Show this weekend (June 4-6, 2021) and he discusses the experience on episode 222 of The Knife Junkie Podcast -- as well as highlighting his purchases! That's right. Bob thought he could go to the largest knife show in the world and come home empty handed. Ha!

The Knife Junkie also has several special interviews in this week's show -- from the Blade Show floor -- just a sampling of the knife makers, knife designers and knife aficionados he had a chance to meet at Blade Show 2021.
- Larrin Thomas -
- Andrew Demko - Demko Knives
- Douglas Esposito - Attention2Detail (A2D)
- Chuck Gedraitis
- David C. Andersen, Nordic Knives (and Knife Center)
- Bastien Cove - Bastinelli Creations
- Michael Martin - American Blade Works
- Ben Belkin - Jack Wolf Knives

And while he went into Blade not wanting to purchase anything, but to "just meet the makers," The Knife Junkie feel short on that goal, and did come away with a few purchases. But really, not that many considering the smorgasbord of knives in front of him this weekend. Here's what The Knife Junkie came home with:
- Collar Stay Knife - Hayes USA
- Micarta Scakes for TRM Atom
- Fixed Blade (Scalpel) - Dylan Grace
- Slip Joint (purple) - S&W Metalworks
- Knife Roll - A2D Mercantile
- Tomahawk - Elmer Roush
- AD 20.5 - Demko Knives
- Pikal Fixed Blade - Dirk Pinkerton
- Synapse - Vero Engineering

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