Spyderco Ronin -- EDC /SD Fixed Blade Knife Close Up

Published: 3 years ago

✔️ Purchase Your Spyderco Yojumbo: https://shrsl.com/2tz0h
The Spyderco Ronin, a Michael Janich design, is the fixed-bladed version of the Yojimbo 2 and the Yojumbo folding knives .
Check out my interview with Mr. Janich, here: https://youtu.be/Y1q9GhjIoUI
The Ronin features a hollow-ground CTS BD1 blade with a 3.5" cutting edge and a slender, ergonomic handle with G10 scales which fits great in hand in both Filipino and reverse grip. This has quickly become one of my favorite fixed blade EDCs and is a wonderful companion piece to both my Yojimbo/Yojumbo family and my Spyderco fixed blade collection.

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