Kizer Inversion, Designed by Dirk Pinkerton -- Folding Pikal Knife Close Up
Published: 3 years ago
The Kizer Inversion, designed by Dirk Pinkerton, is a luxurious pikal-style titanium frame lock folder, which in itself is kind of funny seeing as pikal knives (think: tip down, edge in) are meant for the most down and dirty task there is to do with a knife. Though the slightly hawk-billed S35VN Wharncliffe blade rockets out of the handle (on bearings) and opposes the front finger choil in a disorienting fashion, the knife is still excellent for EDC and utility tasks like pull cuts, pealing and slashing in a Filipino grip (forward grip with thumb on blade spine.) Even though I know I will probably never use this beauty for its intended purpose, I appreciate the design and love the platform.
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The Kizer Inversion, designed by Dirk Pinkerton, is a luxurious pikal-style titanium frame lock folder, which in itself is kind of funny seeing as pikal knives (think: tip down, edge in) are meant for the most down and dirty task there is to do with a knife. Though the slightly hawk-billed S35VN Wharncliffe blade rockets out of the handle (on bearings) and opposes the front finger choil in a disorienting fashion, the knife is still excellent for EDC and utility tasks like pull cuts, pealing and slashing in a Filipino grip (forward grip with thumb on blade spine.) Even though I know I will probably never use this beauty for its intended purpose, I appreciate the design and love the platform.
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