10 Affordable Knife Gems (Under $100) - The Knife Junkie Podcast Episode 301

Published: 2 years ago

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On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 301), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco looks at 10 affordable knife gems (under $100). Those ten knives are:
• Finch Knives Cimerron ($89)
• Off-Grid Knives Caiman ($70)
• Kubey Vagrant ($60)
• Gerber Zilch ($25)
• Kansept Main Street ($80)
• Tangram Santa Fe ($27)
• Civivi Riffle ($55)
• Cold Steel Voyager XL ($85)
• CRKT Minimalist ($26)
• USMC Kabar ($85)

Bob starts the show with his "pocket check" of knives -- the ZT 0640, a Cold Steel Kiridashi and the Bastinelli Anomaly-- plus he shows off a new Old Hickory ice pick he just got. In Knife Life News, Bob reports on TOPS releasing a new compact Silent Hero while We Knife Co. introduces the Quixotic.

Meanwhile in his "State of the Collection," Bob has several knives, including the Cold Steel Peace Keeper II, the Axxis from Bone Daddy Blade Werx, the Kansept Pretatout Tanto, a WMK Kizer Begleiter XL (on loan from This Old Sword), and the Fox/Bastinelli Geco (also on loan from This Old Sword).

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✔️ To listen to past episodes of the podcast, visit https://theknifejunkie.com/listen.

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