Kevin Johnson (LeftyEDC on YouTube) and Co-Owner of Divo Knives - The Knife Junkie Podcast (312)

Published: 2 years ago

Kevin Johnson, aka LeftyEDC on YouTube, and also co-founder/owner of Divo Knives, joins Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco on episode 312 of The Knife Junkie Podcast. Find show notes and links for this episode at

Kevin has a YouTube channel where he reviews knives and enjoys the knife community. He is a self-proclaimed “Left-handed knife nut and EDC connoisseur!”

He had reviewed a few knives designed by Colin Maisonpierre and realized they had similar tastes in knives. He drew up a knife for everyday carry and showed it to Colin. That was the beginning of the Stout and Divo Knives.

Divo Knives contracted the OEM work of QSP to produce the first batch of Stout folders. Divo will bring many more designs to the knife market using the best OEMs available.

Divo Knives is a boutique pocket knife and EDC brand created by two enthusiasts turned designers. And interestingly, the knives in the Divo line will all have beer-themed knives.

You can find LeftyEDC on YouTube at and on Instagram at Divo Knives can be found at

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