My Cold Steel Fixed Blade Collection - The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 349)

Published: 2 years ago

✔️ Check out my Cold Steel Collection (2022 Update):
On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 34), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco shows off his Cold Steel fixed blade collection, including the Master Tanto, Kobun, Culloden and more. Find the list of all the knives shown in the show, and links to knife news stories, at

Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week followed by his "pocket check" of knives -- the Heretic Manticore X, Lionsteel Gitano, Hogtooth EDC Tanto and the Finch Knives Buffalo Tooth (his emotional support knife).

In Knife Life News, two Kizer lines expand and a new Szabo/TOPS collaboration: The Express. Meanwhile in his "State of the Collection," Bob shows off the Jack Wolf Knives Benny’s Clip, a Short MXG Gear Clip that makes his Delica comfortable, and the Asymmetrical Contact (by B’YondEDC).

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