You’ve Been Challenged to a Knife Duel: Dedicated Fighters - The Knife Junkie Podcast (Episode 374)

Published: 2 years ago

On the mid-week supplemental episode of The Knife Junkie podcast (episode 374), Bob "The Knife Junkie" DeMarco looks at dedicated fighting knives for that knife duel you're challenged to, including the Randall Made Combat Stiletto 2-7, Spartan Harsey Dagger and his custom Hogtooth Sub-Hilt Fighter among others.

Bob starts the show with his favorite comment of the week from last week's mid-week podcast (episode 372) followed by his "pocket check" of knives -- the Off-Grid Stinger, Jack Wolf Knives Cyborg Jack and the 15:58 Knife Co. Revere. Bob also shows off a loaner -- the F-22 Jerad Oeser (featuring the Lee Williams Kickstop).

In Knife Life News, Ontario Knife Co. adds a lock back to their Camp Plus lineup and a couple of new Kizer knives focus on special materials. Meanwhile in his "State of the Collection," Bob shows off his Cold Steel Natchez Bowie, the Wingard Wearables Thumper War Club, the new Jack Wolf Knives Venom Jack, as well as Dirk Pinkerton's ringed Inversion Prototype and custom Dirk Pinkerton Razorback (on loan from the maker).

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