Open Letter to Republican Legislators: Second Amendment Rights

Published: 11 years ago

This video is an open letter to U.S. legislators, specifically Republicans, who have sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. I am one voter, one of many who expect you to do your jobs and are watching closely to see that you do. The time for negotiating and compromising with our most basic rights is over, and you will be held to account for your performance and conduct. Here is a list of names of Senators, all Republican, who voted to allow the full Senate to debate this week, regarding Bill S.649, whether our Second Amendment rights are valid in one form or the other. I say they're not up for debate, not tomorrow, not ever...

Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
Richard Burr (N.C.)
Saxby Chambliss (Ga.)
Tom Coburn (Okla.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Bob Corker (Tenn.)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Dean Heller (Nev.)
John Hoeven (N.D.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
Mark Kirk (Ill.),
John McCain (Ariz.)
Pat Toomey (Pa.)
Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)

Fellow YouTubers, unite! Repeat this message so they can hear it! Make videos. Make phone calls. Write letters and emails. Take back your country!