ZT0550 First Impressions: Home Run Swing... Strike One

Published: 11 years ago

Here's another first impression of a Kershaw-made knife. Certainly a $150-200 class Zero Tolerance won't give me the same kind of fits as the $60 Knockout, right? Think again, guys :(. But give me a few weeks and a few hours of hard work. There's a great knife in there somewhere... I'm sure of it!

But seriously, gang, I'm about done buying Kershaw/ZT knives. They're just too far from right when they leave the factory. While I appreciate the value of the materials and design on the 0550, when I stack it up to the less expensive Spyderco Gayle Bradley, which is much different in execution but covers the same "hard use" 3 1/2" folder segment in the market, the Bradley is just flat a better knife, and by a long way. It has a stronger lock, a higher level of fit and finish, and absolutely no flaws. Oh yeah... it cuts better too.

Stay tuned, gang... If I hold true to form, I'll warm up to this girl after I put a some more blood, sweat and tears into her :)