From the Sharpening Bench -- Benchmade 860 Bedlam: Wicked Axis Fighter

Published: 9 years ago

Here's a look at a customer knife, from the sharpening bench. This one is property of my customer and subscriber, Sam. It's the Benchmade 860 Bedlam, plain edge with satin blade. This thing is a purpose built folding fighting knife, and it's extremely well suited to that role. With a nearly 4" trailing point "scimitar" shaped blade and a sturdy and ergonomic handle that accommodates a variety of fighting grips, the Bedlam is a great companion in a dark alley. Although it certainly isn't built for EDC duty or utility tasks because of its size and weight, the Bedlam is a wicked slicer, so if you can pack it, it would be quite useful in an EDC role as long as you're in an environment where people aren't easily intimidated by a scary knife. Construction and operation are classically excellent Benchmade, and the aesthetics are supberb. Awesome blade!