How To Prepare for Adventure | Hiking/Camping 10 Essentials | 2021

Published: 3 years ago

Welcome everyone to the Tactical Tavern! My name is Tomas Alas and in this video, we are going over the Hiking/Camping 10 essentials. Exploring the outdoors can be such an amazing experience. This video will give you a baseline on what to pack with you so you are better prepared for your trip and can adventure safely.

Taking a spin on the 10 essentials, I give you a few extra tips and tricks for packing and increasing your outdoor preparedness.

Thank you for watching and remember;


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Let me know in the comments what I should review next!

I look forward to seeing you in the next video!

DISCLAIMER: This video and all videos featured on the Tactical Tavern are for entertainment purposes only. Tactical Tavern and anyone shown in videos does not hold any responsibility or liability for misuse or improper carry for any tools shown. All items shown are handled by a trained professional. Do not try at home. Follow all your local laws and regulations.

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