Cold Steel Ti Lite 6” A modern West Side Story Knife Review
Published: 3 years ago
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Cold Steel Ti-Lites here : (Recommended for Authenticity)
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Can you imagine carrying a pocket knife that opens to over a foot long? Well now you don’t have to wonder because this Cold Steel Ti Lite 6” gives you 13” of reach!
This 1950’s Inspired stiletto on steroids will have all your friends guessing what’s in your pants! It overs amazing shock value when you pull it out but how effective is it at everyday carry cutting task? Can you slide it into conventional pants? Does it open quickly?
These are all questions we are going to answer in this video review to see if this piece of gear is right for your everyday carry setup!
If you love gadgets, gear, edc, hiking, camping, and the outdoors make sure to drop a like and follow for more content like this!
Thank you for watching and remember;
Be Prepared, Be Practical, & Stay Tactical!
✅FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @tacticaltavern
DISCLAIMER: This video and all videos featured on the Tactical Tavern are for entertainment purposes only. Tactical Tavern and anyone shown in videos does not hold any responsibility or liability for misuse or improper carry for any tools shown. All items shown are handled by a trained professional. Do not try at home. Follow all your local laws and regulations.
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Cold Steel Ti-Lites here : (Recommended for Authenticity)
Cold Steel on Amazon
Can you imagine carrying a pocket knife that opens to over a foot long? Well now you don’t have to wonder because this Cold Steel Ti Lite 6” gives you 13” of reach!
This 1950’s Inspired stiletto on steroids will have all your friends guessing what’s in your pants! It overs amazing shock value when you pull it out but how effective is it at everyday carry cutting task? Can you slide it into conventional pants? Does it open quickly?
These are all questions we are going to answer in this video review to see if this piece of gear is right for your everyday carry setup!
If you love gadgets, gear, edc, hiking, camping, and the outdoors make sure to drop a like and follow for more content like this!
Thank you for watching and remember;
Be Prepared, Be Practical, & Stay Tactical!
✅FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @tacticaltavern
DISCLAIMER: This video and all videos featured on the Tactical Tavern are for entertainment purposes only. Tactical Tavern and anyone shown in videos does not hold any responsibility or liability for misuse or improper carry for any tools shown. All items shown are handled by a trained professional. Do not try at home. Follow all your local laws and regulations.
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