$200 Karambit Scalpel? Bastinelli & Microtech Feather K: EDC Self Defense Knife *EXCLUSIVE*

Published: 3 years ago

Check out other Bastinelli designs here: http://shrsl.com/3ultt

One of the sharpest and most precise tools used daily is a surgical scalpel. Now imagine that bigger, better, and stronger! The Feather X from Microtech and Bastinelli hits all the right notes to be a slim, fast, and deadly karambit inspired design.

Is this for your everyday carry? Your tactical vest? Something to keep on you for self defense? Find out in this exclusive Tactical Tavern review where we see how it stacks up against the Tactical Tavern Test with 25 possible points based on price, functionality/design, dependability, versatility, and carry ability!

You may remember the karambit video we did on the Fox 599 in and Bastinelli Pika Karambit in collaboration with Doug Marcaida from Forged In Fire. I will link them down below so you can better find a self defense knife that is geared toward your every day carry needs.

Check out some of the other reviews we have done on the Pika Karambit, Fox 599 Karambit and Tops Unzipper!

Bastinelli Pika Karambit: https://youtu.be/PAa0MHmbO_I

Fox 599 Karambit: https://youtu.be/sZ2ED8Kg6_4

Tops Unzipper: https://youtu.be/ibRIzD64jMI

Thank you for watching and remember;
Be Prepared, Be Practical, & Stay Tactical!

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DISCLAIMER: This video and all videos featured on the Tactical Tavern are for entertainment purposes only. Tactical Tavern and anyone shown in videos does not hold any responsibility or liability for misuse or improper carry for any tools shown. All items shown are handled by a trained professional. Do not try at home. Follow all your local laws and regulations.

For business inquiries please email: TheTacticalTavern@gmail.com