Self-Defense Strikes You MUST KNOW

Published: 2 years ago

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Often times people will injure themselves by punching and creating micro fractures in their knuckles during a fight. Instead, keep yourself safe by using an open hand slap or cupped slap to the eardrum. This is where the equilibrium is located and blowing this out can disorientate an attacker giving you an opportunity to escape. The face claw is a fast strike to take out both eyes quickly, again giving you an opportunity to escape a blinded or partially blind attacker. Elbows are an excellent self defense move as its a strong and sharp area of your body that can be implemented for self protection. The key here is to twist with the hips. The body goes where the head leads so take them off balance and gain control of the fight. All three techniques can be used together.

What other strikes do you recommend?