Unboxing the New Kizer Begleiter and a Surprise Package

Unboxing the New Kizer Begleiter and a Surprise Package

Published: 3 years ago

Unboxing the New Kizer Begleiter and a Surprise Package

We are checking out the newest iteration of the Kizer Begleiter Mini. We also check out two models from SRM Knives that both have the "axis" style lock. Let me know what y'all think about starting the videos with the camera facing me.

Kizer- Begleiter Mini https://whitemountainknives.com/kizer-begleiter-mini-folding-knife-green-micarta-handle-n690-plain-edge-v3458rn1/

SRM- 9211 SRM pocket folding knife 9211, 8Cr13MoV stainless steel blade, G10 handle, manual-opening, pocket-clip, for edc, survival, outdoor use, etc. (orange) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08R3DL7VP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1EPE9VQ1E4VYECXH0HWR?psc=1

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Knife Center https://

GPKnives https://www.gpknives.com/

Knife Works https://knifeworks.com/

EKnives https://eknives.com/

PVK Vegas https://www.pvk.vegas/

Blade Ops https://bladeops.com/

White Mountain Knives https://whitemountainknives.com/

Rivers Edge Cutlery https://riversedgecutlery.com/

Cutlery Shoppe https://cutleryshoppe.com/

Knives Plus https://www.knivesplus.com/

USA Made Blade's https://www.usamadeblade.com/main.sc

DLT Trading https://www.dlttrading.com/

Indiana Knives https://indianaknives.com/

Smokey Mountain Knife Works https://www.smkw.com/

Tactical Elements https://www.tacticalelements.com/