5 Knives That Make Me Happy!!!

5 Knives That Make Me Happy!!!

Published: 3 years ago

5 Knives That Make Me Happy !! This was an open Tag video started by "Cedric and Ada" channel and I was tagged by "JT's Knife Life" and "Metal Complex "

Good place to find Kizer Knives and get 10% off.

10%off code is KNIFETHERAPY that can be applied to all three stores above.

Mojave Outdoor Gear: www.mojaveoutdoorgear.com

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/kizer

eBay: https://www.ebay.com/str/mojaveoutdoor
If you would like to help support the channel I have an affiliate link to Urban EDC Supply. Please do not feel obligated.

Urban EDC Supply:
Follow me on Instagram: @Stassa23

My email: 23matassa@gmail.comz