3 New Kizer Knives 2022

3 New Kizer Knives 2022

Published: 2 years ago

3 New Kizer Knives 2022. KIZER is still pumping out new knives and doing great work at the same time. I love how they have been trying new materials and that they aren't scared to take on something different. These 3 knives aren't new models but they are new sweet variations on some super popular designs. Love to know what you want to see a full review of.

Kizer- XL Sheepdog https://www.bladehq.com/item--Kizer-Vanguard-Sheepdog-XL-C01C--175970

Kizer- Mini Sheepdog (Raffir Noble/S35vn) https://www.bladehq.com/item--Kizer-Mini-Sheepdog-C01C-Liner-Lock--174682

Kizer- Begleiter 2 Button Lock (Raffir/S35vn) https://www.bladehq.com/item--Kizer-Azo-Vanguard-Begleiter-2--174679