Wicked Precision Blade! Civivi Knives Clavi Front Flipper

Wicked Precision Blade! Civivi Knives Clavi Front Flipper

Published: 2 years ago

Wicked Precision Blade! Civivi Knives Clavi Front Flipper. This is a Ostap Hel design and it's pretty evident. When I first received this knife I thought I wouldn't like it however that changed really quick. I found it to be a joy to carry due to it being super lightweight,slim and sleek. If you're looking for a knife that is easy to carry no matter what you're wearing then this may be the perfect choice.

Civivi- Clavi https://www.civivi.com/search?type=product&q=clavi*

Civivi's Black Friday Sale starts Nov.18th - Dec.16th.

Black Friday Sale,save up to 25% off for most CIVIVI knives, and get a free knife pack with select purchase on official sites as well as participating dealers while supply last.

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