2 New Sweet EDC Fixed Blades plus an Update on Two

2 New Sweet EDC Fixed Blades plus an Update on Two

Published: 2 years ago

2 New Sweet EDC Fixed Blades plus an Update on Two. These two new ones I discovered on Instagram and they both seem to be super high quality knives. One is a custom fixed blade that is using CPM- M4 at 63 HRC which should perform really well. The other one I tried to get the last time they were available but I was a little bit too late so I am excited to see what it's like. To me they are aesthetically pleasing designs and both have very useful Blade's shapes so I will begin testing them soon. Let me know what you think of the two and which of the four in the video would you like to see a review on first?

Daughtless Mfg.- Dogbone https://dauntlessmanufacturing.com/products/matt-helm-collab-dogbone

Terra Knives Instagram https://instagram.com/terraknives?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=

Terra Knives- MK1 (4.5") https://terraknivesusa.com/collections/all

❎USE CODE: Stassa23 (10% OFF)❎
WHITE MOUNTAIN KNIVES https://whitemountainknives.com/newest-items/
Mojave Outdoors
Good place to find Kizer Knives and get 10% off.

10%off code is KNIFETHERAPY that can be applied to all their store below

Mojave Outdoor Gear: https://www.mojaveoutdoorgear.com/
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Urban EDC Supply:
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