3 Excellent Knife Maintenance Trays You Can Afford & My Tools

3 Excellent Knife Maintenance Trays You Can Afford & My Tools

Published: 2 years ago

3 Excellent Affordable Knife Maintenance Trays Plus My Tools. These are my 3 favorite tray to take apart my knives and they won't break the bank. What do you use when doing knife maintenance?

Tinker Force- EDC Trays https://tinker-force.com/collections/frontpage

Knafs Co. - Tool Burrito https://amzn.to/3YsWaRQ

Harbor Freight- US General Silicon Trays https://www.harborfreight.com/search?q=silicone%20tray

WIHA- Stubby 1/4" Driver & Bits https://amzn.to/3DJUrQ5

WERA- Ratchet Driver https://amzn.to/3Y4AhIt

Knife Pivot Lube https://knifepivotlube.com/collections/lubricants

Nano Lube 10w https://amzn.to/3ldyqCx

OCD-4-EDC. - Slickem All https://www.ocd4edc.com/products/slickem-all-lubricant