10 New EDC Knife Brands You Should Be Following

10 New EDC Knife Brands You Should Be Following

Published: 2 years ago

10 New EDC Knife Brands You Should Be Following. There are so many new knife designers from the community coming out with some amazing knives. It is always refreshing to see new designs but even more exciting when they are interesting. These are just some of the new brands and I hope to learn of more from you. We need to help support one another weather it's a new knife designer, creator or fellow community members. Let me know if you own any of these designs and also I would love to hear any other new brands that your excited about down in the comments.


MALLERY Designs https://mallerydesignsllc.com/

TW Price https://www.twpricedesign.com/

Null Knives https://nullknives.com/

Brass Brigade https://www.thebrassbrigade.com/shop-now/p/the-grant-gripper-35

GRAMBEAU Knives https://grambeauknives.com/

WinterBlade Co https://winterbladeco.com/

Divo Knives https://divoknives.com/

Tempest Knives https://tempestknives.com/

Bridgeport Knife Co https://bgptknife.com/

Renegade EDC https://www.renegadeedc.com/

EVOLVED EDC https://evolvededc.com/products/evolvededc-syn-micarta

ORION KNIVES https://www.orionknives.com/store

EMPEDC https://empedc.com/