UNBELIEVABLE VALUE - Asher Knives Ti Spiro, Nomad 3 & Proto

UNBELIEVABLE VALUE - Asher Knives Ti Spiro, Nomad 3 & Proto

Published: 2 years ago

UNBELIEVABLE VALUE - Asher Knives Ti Spiro, Nomad 3 & Proto. I am always shocked by the quality Asher is putting out for the price. I don't think you will find a better knife when it comes to quality and materials. Asher does a great job with listening to his customers and making improvements to make the knives better with every new batch of knives. They are also doing stuff that I really wish more companies would be doing. Do you own any Asher knives? If so what one do you have and what do you think? Which one from the video is your favorite? For me I like the Ti Spiro with the blade hole the most but they are all good.

❎Asher Knives http://www.asherknives.com/


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